Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone Replacement Therapy May Be Your Answer!

Low testosterone can cause men to suffer such side effects as decreased sex drive, depression, weight gain, and erectile dysfunction (ED). Testosterone levels begin to decline at a rate of 10% per decade. Testosterone replacement therapy is the perfect solution is reverse this situation.

Testosterone may fall more rapidly with stress, environmental toxins such as xenoestrogens and poor diet. Testosterone replacement therapy may be the right choice to improve symptoms while working to improve overall conditions for health and well-being.

TESTOSTERONE! Yes, men and women both need it but it’s called the male hormone for a reason. But I want to do more than explain the benefits and risks of testosterone and dive a little deeper into factors that raise and more importantly lower testosterone levels.

  1. Stress— yes, some stress is good but the overwhelming levels of stress in today’s world are paralyzing. This has to be dealt with eventually. Try a yoga class.
  2. Lifting weights—don’t skip leg day! Squats, deadlifts, lunges, you name it. All the cardio in the world will not raise your testosterone. Save time and lift correctly.
  3. Environmental factors— Plastics with BPA, pesticides, solvents, etc. have a huge impact on healthy testosterone levels. As the world is dealing with significant pollution levels, men are seeing dramatic drops in testosterone and elevating estrogen levels. This is not good people.
  4. Sleep— a bigger problem that goes unnoticed for a long time. But now with excellent data tracking tools, we can determine if sleep habits need fixing. We regenerate during sleep. This is a very important time in our lives and not to be sacrificed.
  5. Calories…bruh! You have to eat enough and ensure your macros, micros, and phytos are getting in there.

If you don’t work with a Naturopathic or Functional Medicine Doctor, then you are definitely missing out on what is possible for you to amplify your life. Testosterone is not a miracle cure-all.

It is a hormone, a single note in the symphony of sounds, communicating status and health throughout your body. Celebrate your healthy self!

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Source of Health

About the author:

Dr. Steven Sorr is the founder and chief medical officer at Source of Health in Scottsdale, AZ and has been in clinical practice using regenerative medicine since 2013. He received his doctorate in naturopathic medicine from SCNM and is a licensed healthcare provider in Arizona.

Dr. Sorr brings a huge passion for life and a diverse educational background of food, yoga, and medicine to Source of Health. His goal is to revolutionize the standard of care mindset by making significant strides in evidence-based therapies that are drug and surgery-free to restore high-level health for all.

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