Therapeutic Diet Meal Plan By Source of Health

Therapeutic Food Planning
in scottsdale, AZ

Personalized nutrition plans and functional medicine are keys to treating the underlying causes of your symptoms. Diagnostic testing allows us to determine what is lacking or in excess so that we can make therapeutic food plans on how to return the body to balance so you start feeling better.

Diets do not work! Education is crucial when it comes to making better food choices. Dr. Sorr is expertly trained as a Naturopathic physician. However, he is also a Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Chef, which has allowed him to accumulate the right knowledge to help you with your nutritional counseling needs. No matter what your goals are, you’ll be able to talk to one of our nutritional counseling consultants in Scottsdale, AZ, to figure out the best plan for you.

Nutritional Services

Is the food you eat making you sick? Are you getting enough of the right nutrients to fuel your body? Functional medicine takes a food as medicine approach to remove foods that are hurting you, repair the digestive system, and restore gut health which impacts the rest of your body.

Functional Food Planning

Every patient is different and wants different outcomes for themselves. That is why we spend quality time with you to understand what direction is best for you. Our empowering coaching style, combined with education and recommendations for an active lifestyle, walks our clients through individual lifestyle adjustments. This helps them achieve their goals, all with a natural approach. At Source of Health, we believe that every patient has the ability to powerfully impact their wellbeing by being an active participant in the journey of personal health and wellness.


Pharmaceutical grade supplements are an important stamp of quality. We only use physician formulated ingredients for our patients. Purchasing products at grocery stores or through online sources can put uncertainty in the mix which can skew results. Our RegenFx Program allows the physician to custom formulate the right vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and or herbs to help you optimize your health.


Herbal medicine has been around as long as we have. Plants contain an array of medicinal properties that can be used for mild to more severe conditions. Your doctor may prescribe herbs to enhance a treatment plan for a short period of time, or have them as a consistent dosage in substitution for pharmaceutical medications.


Diets do not work! Education is key when it comes to making better food choices. Dr. Sorr is expertly trained as a Naturopathic physician and is also a Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Chef. His years of experience connecting people with truly nourishing food, makes him an invaluable go to source for correcting nutritional deficiencies and nutritional counseling services. As a result, his vast experience in the world of food and medicine are paired together to deliver the best results from his nutritional counseling services. Source of Health is passionate about wellness and living a healthy lifestyle, which starts with nutrition and lifestyle choices that can enhance your overall well being. It’s our goal to support our patients’ optimal health. We start with their goals and together, develop a plan to achieve sustainable long-term improvement in their health.


From stomach pain to brain fog, joint stiffness to chronic sinus infections, the food we eat can be the culprit. Diagnostic testing has come a long way from the days of skin prick testing. We have an advanced blood test that uncovers which foods stimulate antibody reactions to certain foods that can even last up to 3 days after eating them. Antibodies to foods called IgE are the typical allergy and anaphylactic reaction. But other antibodies called IgG, IgG4, and IgA are what give us food sensitivities. Once discovered, we can begin to remove these foods and heal the damage caused in the digestive system. There are other tests that can aid in the diagnosis of more serious illnesses such as dysbiosis, candida, SIBO, IBS and IBD (ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease). The digestive system is such a crucial part of our health, that when it becomes sick or unbalanced, many other health conditions appear. Some examples of conditions caused by an unhealthy digestive system are rheumatoid arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, depression, anxiety, obesity, heart disease, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, hypertension, allergies, chronic infection, and even some cancers! Getting to the root cause is an essential first step in helping people feel their best.

Therapeutic Food Planning Benefits

Source of Health
Benefits Of Therapeutic Food Planning

Frequently Asked Questions

Nutritional counseling is an ongoing process in which an individual meets with a health professional, and works with them to assess his or her dietary intake and nutrition levels. Understanding what foods to eat and which to avoid is not simple, especially when it comes to your health. After assessment of diet, diagnostic labs, and initiating a protocol, you can expect to follow up with your provider to track and ensure your health is getting better.
Typical doctor’s visits last for 8-10 minutes which simply is not enough time to discuss the intricacies of diet and its impact on health. Instead we spend 30-60 minutes with each patient to discuss evidence based approaches in eating to improve digestion, metabolic health, and longevity.
Instead of going underneath the knife, going for surgery, we want to look for alternative treatments that are both safe and effective. We use evidence-based medicine and we are patient-centered. Our quality guarantee ensures that we never see more than ten patients a day. What this gives you is the ability to have time with the doctor to really talk about, explore and open up and figure out and get you where you need to be as quickly as possible.
It usually takes about 1 week for results to come back so the doctor can review them and make recommendations for next steps.
Most of our patients come in taking way too many supplements that they either have bought themselves or were recommended previously. We empower individuals to only supplement that which is deficient on blood tests initially. Oftentimes, if too many products are supplemented at once, patient compliance goes down and we don’t see the best results.
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